In an effort to portray myself as a serious blogger, I have chosen this very serious topic as the material for my latest post. For those of you who are avid Vidal Family Blog readers, you may have been, as I was, nearly heartbroken to learn that was down. This was a very serious issue that I nearly took to the technicians at but just recently I noticed that in fact "I" was the one in error. It turns out that you must include the www. while approaching this internationally recognized blog that we all so passionately enjoy (all of us, with the exception of GiGi that is, considering that her computer does not have access to anymore)
I have posted a screen shot to help better illustrate my point. I hope that this entry was helpful and informative.

Wow! Haven't LOLed like that in days! That's hilarious. Now, if anyone tells Gigi what we've gone - you will be next! Also, she still doesn't know I'm pregnant!
PS - Anthony is working to remedy the problem.
This is a serious subject. I'm telling Gigi all about it in our next heart to heart. No one knows that I call her once a week do they??? Gotta get in that will.
Sam and Anthony i have a web site that may help and give you a little help in finding a fix to this very serious problem :
Not sure who your hosting with but i know we can get this fixed!
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